Wheel Material Properties

Main Raw Material Hard-ness(HS) Rock-well Hard-ness Cushioning Property Water Resistance Heat Resistance
Cold Resistance
Acid Resistance Alkali Resistance Ozone Resistance Oil Resistance
HR,RM,RL65/75,EM50/65 NR 85 80 -40 ×
EM75,EMB,RL100/125 NR,BR 80 80 -40 ×
VS,VN,VA,VH100,CBC,CNC NR,BR 65 100 -40 × × × ×
VUH U 95 80 -40 × ×
GNU100/125/150,SU-GNU Nylon TPU 92 80 -10 × ×
UM,GNU65/75 Nylon TPU 98 80 -10 × ×
NB,NL,NM,NH,SU-NB Nylon R103~R118 × 120 -10 ×
MBC,MHC Monomer casting nylon R118~R120 × 150 -10 ×
PH,PHC Phenol resin M96~M120 × 150 -40 ×
VM,VH50/60/75 SBR,NR 90 100 -40 × × ×
RLB NR,BR 80 80 -40 × ×
MM,BM NR,BR 70 100 -40 × × × ×
SUN,SUB NR,BR 65 100 -40 × ×
TP40/50 PP,TPR 92 80 -40
NTB PP,TPU 90 80 -40 × ×
TB,TP,TR,TN,EM25/32/38 PP,TPR 65 80 -40
NHN,NHB Heat-resistant nylon R100~R120 × 180 -10 ×
HG,NHG Reinforced nylon R110~R120 × 130 -10 ×
VAH NR,BR 80 100 -40 × × × ×
VAE,VSE NR,BR 70 100 -40 × × × ×
RME SBR 85 80 -40 × ×
AR NR,BR 60 60 -10 × × ×
VUN Nylon TPU 95 80 -10 × ×
NRB NR,BR 65 80 -30 × × ×
NBN Nylon R78 × 100 -10 ×
PSB,PSN Polyphenylene sulfide R118 × 180 -60
VU TPU 92 80 -40 × ×
VUE TPU 92 80 -40 × ×

※NR=Natural rubber、SBR=Styrene rubber、BR=Butadiene rubber、U=Urethane rubber (cast)、TPR=Thermoplastic rubber、TPU=Thermoplastic polyurethane


* Values in the above table are ideal values for main materials, and are not guaranteed. Please use as a reference.

* Regular-use grease has an operating temperature range of 25 – 100 °C. In situations where this is exceeded, the use of special grease is required. Please exercise caution.